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Le cartographe des Indes boréales

Olivier Truc


Emmanuelle Bayamack-Tam

Les sept mariages d'Edgar et Ludmilla

Jean-Christophe Rufin

The Echo Maker

Richard Powers

Ghost Wall

Sarah Moss

The Confessions of Frannie Langton

Sara Collins

Black Leopard Red Wolf

Marlon James

The Doll Factory

Elizabeth MacNeal

The Water Cure

Sophie Mackintosh

The Heads of Cerberus


The Salt Path

WINN Raynor

Fools and Mortals

Bernard Cornwell

We Cast a Shadow

Maurice Carlos Ruffin

The Fire Starters

Jan Carson

The Strawberry Thief

Joanne Harris

Machines like me

Ian McEwan

Territory of Light

Yuko Tsushima

Ordinary People

Diana Evans

The Dreamers

Karen Thompson Walker

The Binding

Bridget Collins

Tin Man

Sarah Winman

The Silent Patient

Alex Michaelides

Né d'aucune femme

Franck Bouysse

La femme aux cheveux roux

Orhan Pamuk


Paul Lynch

Personne n'a peur des gens qui sourient

Véronique Ovaldé

Les gratitudes

Delphine de Vigan

Drive Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead

Olga Tokarczuk

Un étrange pays

Muriel Barbery


Bernhard Schlink
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