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Le château des rentiers

En levant les yeux vers le huitième étage d'une tour du XIIIe arrondissement de Paris, Agnès rejoint en pensée Boris et Tsila, ses grands-parents, et tous ceux qui vivaient autrefois dans le même immeuble. Rue du Château des Rentiers, ces Juifs originaires d'Europe centrale avaient inventé Lire la suite >


Deux étudiants en agronomie, angoissés comme toute leur génération par la crise écologique, refusent le défaitisme et se mettent en tête de changer le monde. Kevin, fils d'ouvriers agricoles, lance une start-up de vermicompostage et endosse l'uniforme du parfait transfuge sur la scène du Lire la suite >

Deux nuits à Lisbonne

Ariel et John, récemment mariés, sont à Lisbonne pour le week-end. Dès le premier matin, John disparaît. Ariel le cherche sans relâche, à l’hôtel, à l’hôpital, elle se rend au commissariat et à l’ambassade des États-Unis. Partout, on l’accueille avec réticence et suspicion. Il Lire la suite >

Le nageur

Jusqu'où un homme ayant affronté le mal absolu peut-il aller pour ne pas s'effondrer, surmonter sa souffrance et se projeter à nouveau vers l'avenir ? Le Nageur retrace le destin exceptionnel d'Alfred Nakache. Né à Constantine, tôt devenu champion de France et d'Europe avant d'être sacré Lire la suite >

La faute

Un imposteur. Voilà ce qu’est devenu, à son corps défendant, le narrateur de ce roman. Oubliés le père fantasque, tendre et dépensier, la mère austère et impénétrable. Fini le couple parental dysfonctionnel, les disputes, les fins de mois difficiles, les vacances annulées. À Lire la suite >

Datas sanglantes

Un roman captivant sur la façon de truquer des élections démocratiques en Europe et les pièges du dark net. Inquiétant et addictif. Une jeune enquêtrice, un modérateur de Facebook, une attachée de presse idéaliste découvrent au péril de leurs vies les méthodes qui permettent de Lire la suite >

Un oeil dans la nuit

Dans ce onzième roman de Bernard Minier, Martin Servaz s'aventure dans les arrières salles très obscures d'une fabrique de films d'horreur. Terrifiant ! Un réalisateur culte de films d'horreur, retiré du monde au fond de ses montagnes. Misanthrope, arrogant, fou. Un nom qui fait Lire la suite >

Le jardin de Winter

Anton Winter a grandi en pleine nature, dans un jardin luxuriant et des bois touffus, un cocon de verdure gouverné par sa grand-mère, à distance du monde. Adulte, il s'occupe de ses oiseaux au dernier étage du plus grand immeuble de la ville, tandis qu'en contrebas, l'humanité vit ses Lire la suite >

Que le meilleur gagne

Sonja Nordstrøm a disparu ! Après une brillante carrière, l’athlète de haut niveau vient de signer une autobiographie sulfureuse et, en ce premier matin de promotion, elle ne s’est pas présentée à ses rendez-vous avec les médias. Bientôt plusieurs autres célébrités meurent dans Lire la suite >

Le bruit ou le rouge

La mère, Idris le fils, le père. Une trinité toute laïque et dont les monologues intérieurs et les dialogues s'entrecroisent dans les pages de ce roman virtuose. La mère cherche d'abord à protéger les siens, Idris rêve, le père paralytique imagine les échos du bonheur enfui. Du Bruit, Lire la suite >


Août 1956, une jeune adolescente de quinze ans disparaît sans laisser de traces sur une petite île au large de Reykjavík. Trente ans plus tard, l’Islande n’est plus la petite nation timide de l’après-guerre et se prépare à recevoir un grand sommet réunissant les USA et l’Union Lire la suite >

Un simple enquêteur

Le commissaire Avril Avraham est lassé d'enquêter sur des crimes domestiques et voudrait traiter des dossiers plus importants pour son pays. Lorsque deux affaires se présentent simultanément, il choisit la plus prometteuse à propos de la disparition d'un touriste ayant un passeport suisse dont Lire la suite >

Felix Austria

Le roman Felix Austria se déroule à Stanislaviv, l’actuelle Ivano-Frankivsk, autour de 1900. Nous sommes dans l’une des capitales culturelles de la Galicie, qui fait alors partie de l’empire d’Autriche-Hongrie. La vie de cette paisible ville des confins de l’Europe est vue à travers Lire la suite >

Que notre joie demeure

L’éblouissante Céline Wachowski, architecte de renommée internationale, dévoile enfin le Complexe Webuy, un projet ambitieux et structurant; surtout, le premier grand projet public qu’elle réalise pour Montréal, sa ville. Pourtant, les critiques de la population et de groupes militants ne Lire la suite >

Un amour hors du temps - Ma vie avec Luis Sepúlveda

Carmen Yáñez s’est mariée deux fois avec Luis Sepúlveda, la première fois à 18 ans et la deuxième à 40 ans. Entre-temps, elle a connu la torture dans les prisons de Pinochet, puis l’exil en Suède avec son fils, la naissance d’un autre enfant et l’adaptation à un pays et une langue Lire la suite >

La dépendance

M, romancière entre deux âges, s'est isolée du monde en s'installant avec son second mari au bord d'une côte océanique spectaculaire. Sur sa propriété baignée d'une lumière splendide et entourée de marais, le couple possède une dépendance soigneusement reconvertie en résidence Lire la suite >


Vous n’avez jamais lu un texte comme celui-là ! Une vieille dame enregistre ses derniers jours en maison de retraite et le résultat est un condensé incroyable de force vitale, de dérision, de révolte, d’attention aux autres et de foi dans la vie. Misericordia est l’un des livres les Lire la suite >

Triste tigre

« Il disait qu’il m’aimait. Il disait que c’est pour pouvoir exprimer cet amour qu’il me faisait ce qu’il me faisait, il disait que son souhait le plus cher était que je l’aime en retour. Il disait que s’il avait commencé à s’approcher de moi de cette manière, à me toucher, me Lire la suite >

Impossibles adieux

Comme un long songe d’hiver, ce nouveau roman de Han Kang nous fait voyager entre la Corée du Sud contemporaine et sa douloureuse histoire. Un matin de décembre, Gyeongha reçoit un message de son amie Inseon. Celle-ci lui annonce qu’elle est hospitalisée à Séoul et lui demande de la Lire la suite >

La maison de mon père

De retour à Budapest, sa ville natale, pour un séjour d'une semaine, un jeune Hongrois exilé au Québec a l'intention de revoir ses anciens amis, ce qui reste de sa famille et son premier amour. Avec Petya, son compagnon d'enfance, il forme le projet de retrouver une maison située au bord du lac Lire la suite >

Ouragans tropicaux

2016. La Havane reçoit Barack Obama, les Rolling Stones et un défilé Chanel. L’effervescence dans l’île est à son comble. Un fonctionnaire culturel de la Révolution, censeur impitoyable, est assassiné. Les présumés coupables sont légion. 1910. Une guerre entre des proxénètes Lire la suite >

The Mystery Guest

Molly Gray is not like anyone else. With her flair for cleaning and proper etiquette, she has risen through the ranks of the glorious five-star Regency Grand Hotel to become the esteemed Head Maid. But just as her life reaches a pinnacle state of perfection, her world is turned upside down when J.D. Lire la suite >

La grosse

Maria Luisa est une femme, belle, intelligente, au caractère fort qui doit néanmoins se débattre depuis toujours contre sa condition. Elle est retornada, née dans une ex-colonie portugaise, et en surpoids. Si son histoire peut être cachée, son poids, lui, n’en finit pas de l’encombrer et Lire la suite >

Le héros de Berlin

Michael Hartung, qui tient un des derniers vidéo-clubs de Berlin, reçoit la visite d'un journaliste. Des dossiers exhumés de la Stasi montreraient qu’un jour de juillet 1983 Hartung, à l’époque aiguilleur, aurait organisé l'évasion de 127 personnes vers l’Ouest dans un train de Lire la suite >

Tu l'as bien mérité

Quand Antonio, célèbre présentateur télé, tombe de l’échelle dans son jardin, Claudia, son épouse, tarde un peu à appeler les secours. Cet homme avec lequel elle a partagé sa vie, et qui revient de l’hôpital affaibli, l’a trahie. Tout le monde, Antonio le premier, s’attend à ce Lire la suite >

Le chant des innocents

Lorsque la police arrive, la scène du crime est glaçante : 85 coups de couteau et une gamine de treize ans. Mais ce n’est pas la victime... c’est la meurtrière. Elle est restée là, le poignard encore levé, un sourire diabolique aux lèvres. Quand d’autres crimes violents sont commis par Lire la suite >

Un oeil dans la nuit

Dans ce onzième roman de Bernard Minier, Martin Servaz s'aventure dans les arrières salles très obscures d'une fabrique de films d'horreur. Terrifiant ! Un réalisateur culte de films d'horreur, retiré du monde au fond de ses montagnes. Misanthrope, arrogant, fou. Un nom qui fait Lire la suite >

Un monde à refaire

Hyères, 1945. C'est presque l'été, presque la paix. Après cinq années de conflit, tous n'aspirent qu'à revivre, libres. Et pourtant, sur les rives de la Méditerranée, des millions de mines laissées par les Allemands menacent d'exploser. Qui s'en souvient ? Comment trouver sa place dans ce Lire la suite >

L'automne est la dernière saison

Dans le brouhaha des rues agitées de Téhéran, Leyla, Shabaneh et Roja sont à l'heure des choix. Trois jeunes femmes diplômées, tiraillées entre les traditions, leur modernité et leurs désirs. Leyla rêve de journalisme ou de devenir libraire. Son mari, pourtant aimant et attentionné, a Lire la suite >

Eclipse totale

À Oslo, deux jeunes femmes sont retrouvées, l’une sans cerveau, l’autre décapitée. Soupçonné, l’exécrable Markus Røed, magnat de l’immobilier, charge son avocat d’engager un détective, le meilleur, pour le disculper. Hole, exclu de la police, serait l’homme de la situation Lire la suite >

Deux innocents

Claire enseigne à L’Embellie, établissement associatif où l’on tente de mettre sur les rails de la vie active des jeunes gens en grande difficulté. Elle s’épanouit au contact de ces élèves sans filtre, dont le cœur est l’organe dominant. Elle a cela en commun avec eux. Et c’est Lire la suite >


On est dans la tête d'un président qui gouverne une France de plus en plus agitée. Sollicité à chaque seconde, menacé par des affaires compromettantes dont lui seul a la clé, on découvre, dans ce roman vrai, au-delà des apparences, sa vie quotidienne chaotique, et c'est fascinant. Il veut Lire la suite >

Ce que je sais de toi

Dans le Caire des années 1980, un jeune médecin suit un destin tracé pour lui. Entre son dispensaire et le prestigieux cabinet hérité de son père, Tarek n’a que peu de place pour se poser des questions. Mais la rencontre d’un être que tout semble éloigner de lui ébranlera son mariage, Lire la suite >


« J'entends par western un endroit de l'existence où l'on va jouer sa vie sur une décision. Nous en sommes là, tout au bord du western ». Aurore est mère célibataire à Paris. Elle enchaîne les rendez-vous - avec la directrice d'école, avec ses supérieurs hiérarchiques bien connectés, Lire la suite >


« C'était il y a tout juste un an. Une famille a disparu, là où personne ne disparaissait jamais. On m'a chargée de l'enquête, et ce que j'ai découvert au fil des semaines a ébranlé toutes mes certitudes. Il ne s'agissait pas d'un simple fait-divers, mais d'un drame attendu, d'un mal qui Lire la suite >


Engagée avec ferveur dans la lutte antibraconnage, la ranger Solanah Betwase a la triste habitude de côtoyer des cadavres et des corps d'animaux mutilés.Aussi, lorsqu'un jeune homme est retrouvé mort en plein coeur de Wild Bunch, une réserve animalière à la frontière namibienne, elle sait Lire la suite >

Le héros de Berlin

Michael Hartung, qui tient un des derniers vidéo-clubs de Berlin, reçoit la visite d'un journaliste. Des dossiers exhumés de la Stasi montreraient qu'un jour de juillet 1983 Hartung, à l'époque aiguilleur, aurait organisé l'évasion de 127 personnes vers l'Ouest dans un train de banlieue. Lire la suite >

Sur la dalle

- Le dolmen dont tu m'as parlé, Johan, il est bien sur la route du petit pont ?- À deux kilomètres après le petit pont, ne te trompe pas. Sur ta gauche, tu ne peux pas le manquer. Il est splendide, toutes ses pierres sont encore debout.- Ça date de quand, un dolmen ?- Environ quatre mille ans.- Lire la suite >

Les sept divinités du bonheur

Aoyagi Takeaki, un homme d’une cinquantaine d’années, est assassiné au pied de la statue du dragon ailé qui orne le pont de Nihonbashi, à Tokyo. Une enquête apparemment simple pour l’enquêteur Kaga, fraîchement arrivé au commissariat d’un quartier d’affaires prospère de la Lire la suite >

Veiller sur elle

Au grand jeu du destin, Mimo a tiré les mauvaises cartes. Né pauvre, il est confié en apprentissage à un sculpteur de pierre sans envergure. Mais il a du génie entre les mains. Toutes les fées ou presque se sont penchées sur Viola Orsini. Héritière d'une famille prestigieuse, elle a Lire la suite >

Tous les mots qu'on ne s'est pas dits

Octobre 2005, aux premiers jours des émeutes en banlieue. Pour les soixante-dix ans de Fatima, ses enfants lui offrent un tour en péniche. En point de mire, la Tour Eiffel. La matriarche ne l'a jamais vue et pourtant, elle en rêve depuis toujours. Si loin, si proche... Comme la France qu'elle a Lire la suite >


Alba rentre d'un colloque de linguistes à l'étranger. Passionnée par les langues minoritaires et par la puissance évocatrice des mots, elle est aussi relectrice-correctrice, et le manuscrit d'un jeune poète l'attend, un ancien étudiant avec lequel elle a eu une aventure. En atterrissant à Lire la suite >

Sur le méridien de Greenwich

Le narrateur, un Égyptien installé à Londres, se trouve brusquement sollicité pour se charger des obsèques d'un jeune réfugié syrien parfaitement inconnu, dont la famille réside au Caire. Dans les trois jours qui séparent le moment où il accepte cette responsabilité de la date de Lire la suite >

Un simple enquêteur

Dror Mishani

Le nageur

Pierre Assouline

Le héros de Berlin

The Mystery Guest

Nita Prose

Eclipse totale

Jo Nesbo

Un oeil dans la nuit

Bernard Minier

Le chant des innocents

Piergiorgio Pulixi


Agnès Pourchet

Les sept divinités du bonheur

Keigo Higashino

Datas sanglantes

Jakub Szamalek

Un monde à refaire

Claire Deya

Le héros de Berlin

Maxim Leo

Un oeil dans la nuit

Bernard Minier

La maison de mon père

Akos Verboczy

Le bruit ou le rouge

Hasanov Shamkhal


Gaspard Koenig

L'automne est la dernière saison

Nasim Marashi

Tu l'as bien mérité

Barbara Frandino

Sur le méridien de Greenwich

Shady Lewis

Sur la dalle

Fred Vargas


Marc Dugain

Veiller sur elle

Jean-Baptiste Andrea


Katrin / Ragnar Jakobsdottir / Jonasson

Tous les mots qu'on ne s'est pas dits

Mabrouk Rachedi


Lilia Hassaine

Un amour hors du temps - Ma vie avec Luis Sepúlveda

Carmen Yáñez

Deux innocents

Alice Ferney

Ce que je sais de toi

Eric Chacour

Impossibles adieux

Han Kang


Caryl Férey

Que notre joie demeure

Kevin Lambert

La grosse

Isabela Figueiredo

Le château des rentiers

Agnès Desarthe

Le jardin de Winter

Valérie Fritsch


Audur Ava Olafsdottir

Deux nuits à Lisbonne

Chris Pavone


Lidia Jorge

Ouragans tropicaux

Leonardo Padura

La dépendance

Rachel Cusk

Triste tigre

Neige Sinno

La faute

Alessandro Piperno

Felix Austria

Sofia Andrukhovych

Que le meilleur gagne

Thomas Enger

Nouveautés anglophones
Voir toutes les nouveautés

Briefly, A Delicious Life

Blanca has been dead for a few centuries when she falls in love – instantly and devotedly – with celebrated novelist George Sand. George is unlike anyone Blanca has encountered in hundreds of years of haunting: a woman dressed in men’s clothes, a ferocious writer, a passionate lover of men and Lire la suite >


On the day of her beloved grandmother's funeral, Marta discovers that she is to become governess to the young daughter of Sir William Pritchard. Separated from her lover and discarded by her family, Marta has no choice but to journey to Pritchard's ancient and crumbling house, Fyneshade, in the Lire la suite >

Palm Trees in the Snow

At once an epic family drama and a sweeping love story that spans both an ocean and a generation, Palm Trees in the Snow is an emotionally gripping and historically vivid tale of the secrets that can destroy a family - and the bonds that endure. When Clarence of Rabaltué discovers a series of Lire la suite >

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

When twenty-five-year-old Takako's boyfriend reveals he's marrying someone else, she reluctantly accepts her eccentric uncle Satoru's offer to live rent-free in the tiny room above his shop. Hidden in Jimbocho, Tokyo, the Morisaki Bookshop is a booklover's paradise. On a quiet corner in an old Lire la suite >

Zero Days

Hired by companies to break into buildings and hack security systems, Jack and her husband Gabe are the best penetration specialists in the business. But after a routine assignment goes horribly wrong, Jack arrives home to find her husband dead. It soon becomes clear that the police have only one Lire la suite >


The first thing Vanessa Carvin does when she arrives on the island is change her name. To the locals, she is Willow Hale, a solitary outsider escaping Dublin to live a hermetic existence in a small cottage, not a notorious woman on the run from her past. But scandals follow like hunting dogs. And Lire la suite >

Love marriage

Yasmin Ghorami has a lot to be grateful for: a loving family, a fledgling career in medicine, and a charming, handsome fiancée, fellow doctor Joe Sangster. But as the wedding day draws closer and Yasmin's parents get to know Joe's firebrand feminist mother, both families must confront the Lire la suite >

The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction

Umiko Wada never set out to be a private detective, let alone become the one-woman operation behind the Kodaka Detective Agency. But so it has turned out, thanks to the death of her former boss, Kazuto Kodaka, in mysterious circumstances. Keen to avoid a similar fate, Wada chooses the cases she Lire la suite >

Hotel Milano

Frank's reclusive existence in a leafy part of London is shattered when he is summoned to Milan for the funeral of an old friend. Preoccupied by this sudden intrusion of his past, he flies, oblivious, into the epicentre of a crisis he has barely registered on the news. It is spring, his luxury Lire la suite >


Cushla Lavery lives with her mother in a small town near Belfast. At twenty-four, she splits her time between her day job as a teacher to a class of seven-year-olds, and regular bartending shifts in the pub owned by her family. It's here, on a day like any other - as the daily news rolls in of Lire la suite >

Old Babes in the Wood

Atwood's first new fiction publication since The Testaments, this deeply personal collection includes a stunning sequence that follows a married couple as they travel the road together, the moments big and small that make up a long life of love -- and what comes after The stories explore the Lire la suite >

Let Us Descend

Let Us Descend is a reimagining of American slavery, as beautifully rendered as it is heart-wrenching. Searching, harrowing, replete with transcendent love, the novel is a journey from the rice fields of the Carolinas to the slave markets of New Orleans and into the fearsome heart of a Louisiana Lire la suite >

You Have a Friend in 10A

A collection of sparkling award-winning stories from Maggie Shipstead, epic storyteller and astonishing chronicler of the daring and the damaged. Diving into eclectic and vivid settings, from an Olympic village to a deathbed in Paris to a Pacific atoll, and illuminating a cast of unforgettable Lire la suite >

Poor Things

A life without freedom to choose is not worth having. Godwin Baxter's scientific ambition to create the perfect companion is realised when he finds the drowned body of the beautiful Bella, who he brings back to life in a Frankenstein-esque feat. But his dream is thwarted by Dr. Archibald Lire la suite >

Sea of Tranquility

Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an ill-conceived diatribe at a dinner party. He enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and suddenly hears the notes of a violin echoing in an Lire la suite >

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Monique is not exactly on top Lire la suite >

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue

When Addie La Rue makes a pact with the devil, she trades her soul for immortality. But there's always a price - the devil takes away her place in the world, cursing her to be forgotten by everyone. Addie flees her tiny home town in 18th-Century France, beginning a journey that takes her across Lire la suite >

Hennry VIII: The Heart and the Crown

.A second son, not born to rule, becomes a man, and a king... In grand royal palaces, Prince Harry grows up dreaming of knights and chivalry - and the golden age of kings that awaits his older brother. But Arthur's untimely death sees Harry crowned King Henry of England. As his power and Lire la suite >

The Singularity

In an unnamed coastal city filled with refugees, the mother of a displaced family calls out her daughter’s name as she wanders the cliffside road where the child once worked. The mother searches and searches until, spent from grief, she throws herself into the sea, leaving her other children Lire la suite >

The Fury

This is a tale of murder. Or maybe that’s not quite true. At its heart, it’s a love story, isn’t it? Lana Farrar is a reclusive ex-movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the English weather and spend Easter on her Lire la suite >

My Father's House

When the Nazis take Rome, thousands go into hiding. One priest will risk everything to save them. September 1943: German forces occupy Rome. SS officer Paul Hauptmann rules with terror. An Irish priest, Hugh O'Flaherty, dedicates himself to helping those escaping from the Nazis. His home is Lire la suite >

Study for Obedience

A woman moves from the place of her birth to a remote northern country to be housekeeper to her brother, whose wife has just left him. The youngest child of many siblings - more than she cares to remember - from earliest childhood she has attended to their every desire, smoothed away the slightest Lire la suite >

Young Mungo

Born under different stars, Protestant Mungo and Catholic James live in a hyper-masculine world. They are caught between two of Glasgow’s housing estates where young working-class men divide themselves along sectarian lines, and fight territorial battles for the sake of reputation. They should be Lire la suite >

Birnham Wood

Five years ago, Mira Bunting founded a guerrilla gardening group: Birnam Wood. An undeclared, unregulated, sometimes-criminal, sometimes-philanthropic gathering of friends, this activist collective plants crops wherever no one will notice, on the sides of roads, in forgotten parks, and neglected Lire la suite >


1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day he’ll enroll in Oxford University’s prestigious Royal Institute of Translation—also known Lire la suite >

What you are looking for is in the library

What are you looking for? So asks Tokyo's most enigmatic librarian, Sayuri Komachi. But she is no ordinary librarian. Sensing exactly what someone is searching for in life, she provides just the book recommendation to help them find it. We meet five visitors to the library, each at a different Lire la suite >

The Satsuma Complex

My name is Gary. I’m a thirty-year-old legal assistant with a firm of solicitors in London. To describe me as anonymous would be unfair but to notice me other than in passing would be a rarity. I did make a good connection with a girl, but that blew up in my face and smacked my arse with a fish Lire la suite >

The Bee Sting

The Barnes family is in trouble. Dickie's once-lucrative car business is going under - but rather than face the music, he's spending his days in the woods, building an apocalypse-proof bunker with a renegade handyman. His wife Imelda is selling off her jewellery on eBay while their teenage Lire la suite >

The Right to Rule

The Right to Rule is the full story of what has just happened in British politics, and how it has shaped Westminster and, by extension, the nation. Over the last decade, we have seen five different Conservative Prime Ministers, with five different missions and messages to the nation. Not for two Lire la suite >

The Wishing Game

During a childhood marked by neglect and loneliness, Lucy Hart found solace in books, especially Jack Masterson's Clock Island series. Now a twenty-six-year-old teacher's aide, she has shared her love of reading with bright, orphaned seven-year-old Christopher Lamb. Lucy would give anything to adopt Lire la suite >


Euphoria is Lily King’s nationally bestselling breakout novel of three young, gifted anthropologists of the 30’s caught in a passionate love triangle that threatens their bonds, their careers, and, ultimately, their lives. Inspired by events in the life of revolutionary anthropologist Margaret Lire la suite >

The Murder Game

In the seaside town of Hamlet Wick, nine guests assemble for a New Year's Eve party to remember. The owner of Hamlet Hall has organised a murder mystery evening with a 1920s twist, and everyone has their own part to play. But the game has barely begun when one guest is found dead - killed by a Lire la suite >

Victory City

In the wake of an unimportant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for a goddess, who tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga, Lire la suite >


A COURT IN TURMOIL The court of the Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolf II, is a haven for scientists, astrologers and alchemists. The dream – to discover the philosopher’s stone and attain immortality. But now there are rumours of heresy. A MURDERED ALCHEMIST Giordano Bruno is sent to Prague as Lire la suite >

The Heiress

When Ruby McTavish Callahan Woodward Miller Kenmore dies, she’s not only North Carolina’s richest woman, she’s also its most notorious. The victim of a famous kidnapping as a child and a widow four times over, Ruby ruled the tiny town of Tavistock from Ashby House, her family’s estate high Lire la suite >

I, Mona Lisa

In Leonardo da Vinci's studio, bursting with genius imagination, towering commissions and needling patrons, as well as discontented muses, friends and rivals, sits the painting of the Mona Lisa. For five hundred tumultuous years, amid a whirlwind of power, money, intrigue, the portrait of Lisa del Lire la suite >

The Retreat

They couldn't wait to stay here. An idyllic wellness retreat has opened on an island off the coast of Devon, promising rest and relaxation - but the island itself, known locally as Reaper's Rock, has a dark past. Once the playground of a serial killer, it's rumored to be cursed. But now they Lire la suite >

American Mother

The English language has no specific word for the parent that has lost a child. There exist words for orphan, widow and widower, but there is no word that captures and conveys this tragic type of loss. It has been eleven years since Diane Foley's son, the American journalist James Foley, was Lire la suite >

The Lock-Up

1950s Dublin. in a lock-up garage in the city, the body of a young woman is discovered - an apparent suicide. But pathologist Dr Quirke and Detective Inspector Strafford soon suspect foul play. The victim's sister, a newspaper reporter from London, returns to Dublin to join the two men in their Lire la suite >

The Memory of Animals

Neffy is a young woman running away from grief and guilt, and the one big mistake that has derailed her career. When a debilitating new virus sweeps across the globe, volunteering in a vaccine trial offers her a way to make up for her past. But then, the virus mutates, and the future she had dreamed Lire la suite >

The Flames

Vienna at the dawn of the 20th century. An opulent, extravagant city teeming with art, music and radical ideas. A place where the social elite attend glamorous balls in the city's palaces whilst young intellectuals decry the empire across the tables of crowded cafes. It is a city where anything Lire la suite >


Monster. Man-hater. Murderess. Forget everything you’ve been told about Medusa. Internationally bestselling author Jessie Burton flips the script in this astonishing retelling of Greek myth, illuminating the woman behind the legend at last. Exiled to a far-flung island after being abused by Lire la suite >

Night Train to Marrakech

Vicky Baudin steps onto a train winding through Morocco, looking for the grandmother she has never met. It’s an epic journey that’ll take her to the edge of Atlas Mountains – and closer to the answers she’s been craving all her life. But dark secrets whisper amongst the dunes. And in Lire la suite >

Killing Moon

Two young women are missing. Strangers to each other, but last seen at the same party. When the body of one of them is found with fresh stitches along her hairline, the hunt is on to find a murderer with singular methods. Catching this criminal calls for a detective with a singular mind. Only Lire la suite >

Lessons in Chemistry

Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing as an average woman. But it’s the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute takes a very unscientific view of equality. Except for one: Lire la suite >

This Other Eden

Set at the beginning of the twentieth century and inspired by historical events, This Other Eden tells the story of Apple Island: an enclave off the coast of the United States where waves of castaways - in flight from society and its judgment - have landed and built a home. Benjamin Honey- Lire la suite >

The Final Revival of Opal & Nev

A queen of punk before her time. A duo on the brink of stardom. A night that will define their story for ever. Opal is a fiercely independent young woman pushing against the grain in her style and attitude, a Black punk artist before her time. Despite her unconventional looks, Opal believes Lire la suite >

Prophet Song

The explosive literary sensation: a mother faces a terrible choice as Ireland slides into totalitarianism  On a dark, wet evening in Dublin, scientist and mother-of-four Eilish Stack answers her front door to find the GNSB on her step. Two officers from Ireland’s newly formed secret police are Lire la suite >

A Terrible Kindness

It is October 1966 and William Lavery is having the night of his life at his first black-tie do. But, as the evening unfolds, news hits of a landslide at a coal mine. It has buried a school: Aberfan. William decides he must act, so he stands and volunteers to attend. It will be his first job as Lire la suite >

Old God's Time

Recently retired policeman Tom Kettle is settling into the quiet of his new home, a lean-to annexed to a Victorian castle overlooking the Irish Sea. For months he has barely seen a soul, catching only glimpses of his eccentric landlord and a nervous young mother who has moved in next door. Lire la suite >

The Misadventures of Margaret Finch

Blackpool, 1938. Miss Margaret Finch - a rather demure young woman - has just begun work in a position that relies on her discretion and powers of observation. Then, her path is crossed by the disgraced Rector of Stiffkey (aka Harold Davidson), who is the subject of a national scandal. Margaret Lire la suite >

The Housemaid

Every day I clean the Winchesters’ beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before heading up to eat alone in my tiny room on the top floor. I try to ignore how Nina makes a mess just to watch me clean it up. How she Lire la suite >


For as long as she can remember, Belle has been insidiously obsessed with her skin and skincare videos. When her estranged mother Noelle mysteriously dies, Belle finds herself back in Southern California, dealing with her mother’s considerable debts and grappling with lingering questions about her Lire la suite >

Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop

Yeongju did everything she was supposed to, go to university, marry a decent man, get a respectable job. Then it all fell apart. Burned out, Yeongju abandons her old life, quits her high-flying career, and follows her dream. She opens a bookshop. In a quaint neighbourhood in Seoul, surrounded by Lire la suite >

The Last Remains

When builders renovating a café in King's Lynn unearth a human skeleton, they call for DCI Harry Nelson and Dr Ruth Galloway, Head of Archaeology at the University of North Norfolk. Ruth is preoccupied with the threatened closure of her department and by her ever-complicated relationship with Lire la suite >

Absolutely and Forever

Marianne Clifford, teenage daughter of a peppery army colonel and his vain wife, falls helplessly and absolutely for eighteen-year-old Simon Hurst, whose cleverness and physical beauty suggest that he will go forward into a successful and monied future, helped on by doting parents. But fate Lire la suite >

The Beholders

'Held me completely in its thrall until the very last line’ SUSAN STOKES-CHAPMAN, bestselling author of Pandora SOME HOUSES ARE HAUNTED BY THE LIVING June, 1878. The body of a boy is pulled from the depths of the River Thames, suspected to be the beloved missing child of the widely admired Liberal Lire la suite >


London, chief city of Airstrip One, the third most populous province of Oceania. It's 1984 and Julia Worthing works as a mechanic fixing the novel-writing machines in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of Truth. Under the ideology of IngSoc and the rule of the Party and its leader Big Brother, Lire la suite >

The Pole and Other Stories

The Pole tells the story of Witold Walczykiewicz, a vigorous, white-haired pianist, who becomes infatuated with Beatriz, a stylish patron of the arts, after she helps organize his Barcelona concert. Although Beatriz, who is married, is initially unimpressed by Wittold, she soon finds herself Lire la suite >

If I Survive You

‘What are you?’ This is the puzzled question that greets a young Trelawny growing up in a Miami where his racial ambiguity is regarded with confusion and suspicion. It’s not just his neighbours, his Jamaican parents Topper and Sanya don’t seem to understand him either. Then there’s his Lire la suite >

Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North

Ten years ago, Harold Fry set off on his epic journey on foot to save a friend. But the story doesn't end there. Now his wife, Maureen, has her own pilgrimage to make. Maureen Fry has settled into the quiet life she now shares with her husband Harold after his iconic walk across England. Now, Lire la suite >

The Marriage Portrait

Florence, the 1550s. Lucrezia, third daughter of the grand duke, is comfortable with her obscure place in the palazzo: free to wonder at its treasures, observe its clandestine workings, and devote herself to her own artistic pursuits. But when her older sister dies on the eve of her wedding to the Lire la suite >

Wandering Souls

One night, not long after the last American troops leave Vietnam, siblings Anh, Thanh and Minh flee their village and embark on a perilous journey in hope of a new life. Separated from their parents and fearing the worst they find themselves travelling alone in the world without a home to return to. Lire la suite >

The Last Devil to Die

Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing. As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to Lire la suite >

The Running Grave

Private Detective Cormoran Strike is contacted by a worried father whose son, Will, has gone to join a religious cult in the depths of the Norfolk countryside. The Universal Humanitarian Church is, on the surface, a peaceable organisation that campaigns for a better world. Yet Strike discovers Lire la suite >

A Tidy Ending

Linda has lived in a quiet neighborhood since fleeing the dark events of her childhood in Wales. Now she sits in her kitchen, wondering if this is all there is: pushing the vacuum around and cooking fish sticks for dinner, a far cry from the glamorous lifestyle she sees in the glossy magazines Lire la suite >

On the savage side

Arcade and Daffodil are twin sisters born one minute apart. With their fiery red hair and thirst for an escape, they form an unbreakable bond nurtured by their grandmother's stories. Together they disappear into their imagination and forge a world where a patch of grass reveals an archaeologist's Lire la suite >

Briefly, A Delicious Life




Palm Trees in the Snow


Days at the Morisaki Bookshop


Zero Days

Ruth Ware


John Boyne

Love marriage

Monica Ali

The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction

Robert Goddard

Hotel Milano

Tim Parks



Old Babes in the Wood

Margaret Atwood

Let Us Descend

Jesmyn Ward

You Have a Friend in 10A

Maggie Shipstead

Poor Things

Alasdair Gray

Sea of Tranquility

Emily St John MANDEL

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Taylor Jenkins REID

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue

V.E. Schwab

Hennry VIII: The Heart and the Crown

Alison Weir

The Singularity

Balsam KARAM

The Fury

Alex Michaelides

My Father's House

Joseph O'Connor

Study for Obedience

Sarah Bernstein

Young Mungo

Birnham Wood

Eleanor Catton



What you are looking for is in the library


The Satsuma Complex


The Bee Sting

Paul Murray

The Right to Rule

Ben Riley-Smith

The Wishing Game




The Murder Game

Tom Hindle

Victory City

Salman Rushdie



The Heiress


I, Mona Lisa

Natasha Solomons

The Retreat

Sarah Pearse

American Mother

Colum McCann

The Lock-Up

John Banville

The Memory of Animals

Claire Fuller

The Flames



Jessie Burton

Night Train to Marrakech


Killing Moon

Jo Nesbo

Lessons in Chemistry


This Other Eden

Paul Harding

The Final Revival of Opal & Nev

Dawnie Walton

Prophet Song

Paul Lynch

A Terrible Kindness

Jo Browning Wroe

Old God's Time

Sebastian Barry

The Misadventures of Margaret Finch


The Housemaid




Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop


The Last Remains

Elly Griffiths

Absolutely and Forever

Rose Tremain

The Beholders



Sandra Newman

The Pole and Other Stories

J.M. Coetzee

If I Survive You


Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North

Rachel Joyce

The Marriage Portrait

Maggie O'Farrell

Wandering Souls

Cecile Pin

The Last Devil to Die

Richard Osman

The Running Grave

Robert Galbraith

A Tidy Ending

Joanna Cannon

On the savage side

Tiffany McDaniel