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Vendredi 13 novembre 2015. Douceur automnale : ce soir pourrait avoir un air de fête. On rêve de ce que sera cette nuit qui s'ouvre. Deux amoureuses savourent l'impatience de se retrouver ; des jumelles se sont demandé où célébrer leur anniversaire ; une infirmière se promet le repos read more >

L'invincible été de Liliana

Trente ans après le meurtre de sa petite sœur, Cristina Rivera Garza retourne au Mexique pour tenter de faire rouvrir l'enquête et retrouver l'assassin qui n'a jamais été condamné. Avec une douleur ancienne et une rage froide, elle rassemble des archives - articles, témoignages, brouillons de read more >

Le héros de Berlin

Michael Hartung, qui tient un des derniers vidéo-clubs de Berlin, reçoit la visite d'un journaliste. Des dossiers exhumés de la Stasi montreraient qu'un jour de juillet 1983 Hartung, à l'époque aiguilleur, aurait organisé l'évasion de 127 personnes vers l'Ouest dans un train de banlieue. read more >

Le cygne et la chauve-souris

La vie de Kazuma bascule lorsqu’il apprend que son père, Kuraki, vient d’avouer un double homicide, le premier en 1984 – prescrit – et celui d’un avocat qui fait la une des journaux. Bien que l’enquête policière soit close et que le procès approche, la fille de la dernière read more >

Le premier renne

Laponie suédoise. Des corbeaux et des loups. Des rennes et des rêves. Et Anja, une jeune Sami, marginalisée. A qui on a confié le pouvoir de tuer. Anja, celle qui voulait écouter les pierres de la toundra. Celle qui ne veut plus se taire. Celle qui ne veut plus plier. Celle qui read more >

Dors ton sommeil de brute

« Un long hurlement, celui d’une foule d’enfants, secoue la planète. Dans les villes, le Cri passe à travers les murs, se faufile dans les canalisations, jaillit sous les planchers, court dans les couloirs des tours où les familles dorment les unes au-dessus des autres, le Cri se répand read more >

Notre otage à Acapulco

La jeune Martha Laborne s'est évaporée à Acapulco. Mauvaise nouvelle pour le Quai d'Orsay : c'est la fille d'un homme politique français. La "Perle du Pacifique" était dans les années soixante le paradis des stars hollywoodiennes. Hélas, la ville aujourd'hui est livrée aux pires cartels read more >

Fantastique histoire d'amour

Lyon, de nos jours. Bastien, inspecteur du travail, est amené à enquêter sur un accident : un ouvrier travaillant dans une usine de traitement des déchets est mort broyé dans une compacteuse. Maïa, journaliste scientifique, se rend au Centre européen de recherche nucléaire (Cern) pour read more >


Quels secrets cache l’ombre du jacaranda, l’arbre fétiche de Stella ? Il faudra à son ami Milan des années pour le découvrir. Des années pour percer les silences du Rwanda, dévasté après le génocide des Tutsi. En rendant leur parole aux disparus, les jeunes gens échapperont à la read more >

Les doigts coupés

En creusant pour faire une piscine en Dordogne, un entrepreneur découvre une grotte aux parois couvertes d'empreintes de mains de femmes, beaucoup amputées de deux ou trois doigts, et deux squelettes dont la position fait penser à une scène de crime... Une paléontologue brillante et read more >

Qui après nous vivrez

A la fin du XXIe siècle, dans une grande ville de province, une jeune femme et son compagnon viennent malgré les crises à répétition, de donner naissance à un enfant. Un jour, le réseau électrique français s'effondre et une émeute plus violente que les autres éclate. Le jeune père ne read more >

Messieurs, encore un effort

Les pays industrialisés ont entamé, depuis quelques années, un lent repli démographique. Longtemps, la France a conservé une belle natalité, mais ce n'est aujourd'hui plus le cas, et la voilà qui, lentement mais sûrement, s'approche à son tour du solde naturel négatif, avec toutes les read more >

En bas dans la vallée

Fredo et Luigi ont grandi dans la Valsesia, une vallée montagneuse du nord de l'Italie. Ils se ressemblent tout en étant très différents, comme les arbres que leur père a plantés à leur naissance. Pour Luigi, un mélèze, qui regarde vers le soleil et ondoie dans le vent. Pour Fredo, un sapin read more >

Frapper l'épopée

Quand Tass était enfant, les adultes lui ont raconté l'histoire de sa terre à plusieurs reprises et dans différentes versions. Malgré tous ces récits, Tass n'a jamais bien su où commençait l'histoire des siens. Comme elle n'a jamais réussi à expliquer la Nouvelle-Calédonie à Thomas, son read more >

Le bastion des larmes

À la mort de sa mère, Youssef, un professeur marocain exilé en France depuis un quart de siècle, revient à Salé, sa ville natale, à la demande de ses sœurs, pour liquider l'héritage familial. En lui, c'est tout un passé qui ressurgit, où se mêlent inextricablement souffrances et bonheur read more >

Madelaine avant l'aube

C’est un endroit à l’abri du temps. Ce minuscule hameau, qu’on appelle Les Montées, est un pays à lui seul pour les jumelles Ambre et Aelis, et la vieille Rose. Ici, l’existence n’a jamais été douce. Les familles travaillent une terre avare qui appartient à d’autres, endurent en read more >

Nul ennemi comme un frère

Beyrouth, 13 avril 1975. Des membres du FPLP ouvrent le feu sur une église dans le quartier chrétien d’Ain el-Remmaneh. Quelques minutes plus tard, un bus palestinien subit les représailles sanglantes des phalangistes de Gemayel, inaugurant un déferlement de violence sans commune mesure qui read more >

Du même bois

« Les enfants, les bébés, ils les appellent les petitous. Et c’est vrai qu’ils sont des petitous. Qu’ils sont un peu de leur mère, un peu de leur père, un peu des grands-parents, un peu de ceux qui sont morts, il y a si longtemps. Tout ce qu’ils leur ont transmis, caché, inventé. read more >

La méthode sicilienne

Pour le fidèle bras droit du commissaire Montalbano, l'infatigable coureur de jupons Mimí Augello, c'est une nuit comme les autres lorsqu'il doit se sauver par la fenêtre de la chambre de sa maîtresse pour échapper au mari cocu. Ce qui l'est moins en revanche, c'est de tomber à l'étage du read more >

Ilaria - ou la conquête de la désobéissance

Un jour de mai 1980, Ilaria, huit ans, monte dans la voiture de son père à la sortie de l’école. De petits hôtels en aires d’autoroute, l’errance dans le nord de l’Italie se prolonge. En pensant à sa mère, I’enfant se promet de ne plus pleurer. Elle apprend à conduire et à mentir, read more >


Convoquant tout autant le roman d'anticipation que la littérature de suspense, Sophie Loubière nous offre une plongée fascinante et terrifiante dans un monde rétrofuturiste visionnaire. Une œuvre totale par une grande voix du roman noir français. La femme, un produit sans grand avenir read more >


« Je suis la véritable trace, le plus solide des indices attestant de tout ce que nous avons vécu en dix ans en Algérie. Je cache l’histoire d’une guerre entière, inscrite sur ma peau depuis que je suis enfant. » Aube est une jeune Algérienne qui doit se souvenir de la guerre read more >

Les guerriers de l'hiver

« Je suis certain que nous avons réveillé leur satané Sisu. – Je ne parle pas leur langue, camarade. – Et je ne pourrais te traduire ce mot, car il n’a d’équivalent nulle part ailleurs. Le Sisu est l’âme de la Finlande. Il dit le courage, la force intérieure, la ténacité, la read more >


« Bad-jens : mot à mot, mauvais genre. En persan de tous les jours: espiègle ou effrontée. » Chiraz, automne 2022. Au cœur de la révolte « Femme, Vie, Liberté », une Iranienne de 16 ans escalade une benne à ordures, prête à brûler son foulard en public. Face aux encouragements de read more >

La vie de ma mère

Après avoir enchanté les lecteurs en réglant leur compte à ses souvenirs et à ses illusions perdues, l'ex-parolier de Zebda s'attaque au "vrai" roman pour raconter une émancipation tardive : celle d'une femme algérienne sacrifiée à sa mission de mère dans une France presque aussi rassie read more >

En attendant le déluge

À l’origine de ce roman époustouflant, des faits réels : entre 1968 et 1969, celui que la presse écossaise a surnommé Bible John tua trois jeunes femmes rencontrées dans une discothèque de Glasgow et disparut. En 1983, Noah Scott Sherrington, policier obsédé par Bible John depuis près read more >

Le désastre de la maison des notables

Tunisie, 1935. Dans un pays en pleine ébullition politique se croisent les destins de deux éminentes familles bourgeoises : les Naifer, rigides et conservateurs, et les Rassaa, libéraux et progressistes. Une nuit de décembre, à Tunis, la jeune épouse de Mohsen Naifer, Zbeida Rassaa, est read more >

La lumière vacillante

Elles sont quatre : il y a Nene la romantique, Ira la cérébrale, Dina l'idéaliste et Keto l'observatrice. Voisines depuis l'enfance, elles grandissent ensemble à Tbilissi, en Géorgie, au moment où l'Union soviétique s'effondre et où se pose la question de l'avenir de leur pays. Chacune à read more >

Les règles du mikado

Dans les montagnes près de la frontière entre l’Italie et la Slovénie, un vieil horloger a pour habitude de camper en solitaire. Une nuit d’hiver, une jeune tzigane entre dans sa tente et lui demande de l’abriter. Elle a fui sa famille et le mariage forcé qu’on lui imposait de l’autre read more >


Berkeley, 1973. Département de dynamique des systèmes. Quatre jeunes chercheurs mettent les dernières touches au rapport qui va changer leur vie. Les résultats de l'IBM 360, alias « Gros Bébé », sont sans appel : si la croissance industrielle et démographique ne ralentit pas, le monde tel read more >

Un été avec Don Quichotte

« Oui, avoue le chevalier, je suis peut-être fou, mais à tout prendre je le suis moins que la société où nous vivons ». Si chacun se retrouve dans Don Quichotte, c`est qu`il s`agit de l`œuvre qui, par excellence, nous permet de faire face à un monde privé de sens. L`ingénieux hidalgo est read more >

Jour de ressac

"Finalement, il vous dit quelque chose, notre homme ? Nous arrivions à hauteur de Gonfreville-l'Orcher, la raffinerie sortait de terre, indéchiffrable et nébuleuse, façon Gotham City, une autre ville derrière la ville, j'ai baissé ma vitre et inhalé longuement, le nez orienté vers les tours read more >

Les guerriers de l'hiver

Olivier Norek

La lumière vacillante

Nino Haratischwili

Le désastre de la maison des notables

Amira Ghenim

Ilaria - ou la conquête de la désobéissance

Gabriella Zalapi

Les doigts coupés

Hannelore Cayre


Kamel Daoud

Messieurs, encore un effort

Elisabeth Badinter


Laurent Gaudé

Le héros de Berlin


Abel Quentin

Qui après nous vivrez

Hervé Le Corre

La méthode sicilienne

Andrea Camilleri

Le bastion des larmes

Abdellah Taïa

Du même bois

Marion Fayolle

Le cygne et la chauve-souris

Keigo Higashino

Dors ton sommeil de brute

Carole Martinez


Delphine Minoui

Fantastique histoire d'amour

Sophie Divry

Madelaine avant l'aube

Sandrine Collette

Jour de ressac

Maylis De Kerangal

Les règles du mikado

Erri De Luca

Le premier renne

Olivier Truc

L'invincible été de Liliana

Cristina Rivera Garza

En attendant le déluge

Dolores Redondo


Sophie Loubière

Frapper l'épopée

Alice Zeniter

Nul ennemi comme un frère

Frédéric PAULIN


Gael Faye

En bas dans la vallée

Paolo Cognetti

La vie de ma mère

Magyd Cherfi

Un été avec Don Quichotte

William Marx

Notre otage à Acapulco

Jean-Christophe Rufin

Latest English purchases
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Dogs and Monsters

Mark Haddon weaves ancient fables into fresh and unexpected forms, and forges new legends to sit alongside them. The myth of the Minotaur in his labyrinth is turned into a wrenching parable of maternal love – and of the monstrosities of patriarchy. The lover of a goddess, Tithonus, is gifted read more >

Our Evenings

From the internationally acclaimed winner of the Booker Prize, “an engrossing tale of one man’s personal odyssey as he grows up, framed in exquisite language” (The New York Times Book Review) “The finest novel yet from one of the great writers of our time.”—The read more >


Cushla Lavery lives with her mother in a small town near Belfast. At twenty-four, she splits her time between her day job as a teacher to a class of seven-year-olds, and regular bartending shifts in the pub owned by her family. It's here, on a day like any other - as the daily news rolls in of read more >

All that She Carried

In 1850s South Carolina, an enslaved woman named Rose faced a crisis: the imminent sale of her daughter Ashley. Thinking quickly, she packed a cotton bag for her with a few items, and, soon after, the nine-year-old girl was separated from her mother and sold. Decades later, Ashley’s granddaughter read more >

The Empusium

AN INSTANT NATIONAL BESTSELLER! “A folk horror story with a deceptively light and knowing tone … elegant and genuinely unsettling.” –The New York Times Book Review The Nobel Prize winner’s latest masterwork, set in a sanitarium on the eve of World War I, probes the horrors that lie read more >


Thomas and Grace are fellow worshippers at the Baptist chapel in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spirits – torn between their commitment to religion and their desire for more. But their friendship is threatened by the arrival of read more >


From a literary master, a moving and genre-bending story about our era-spanning search for meaning and knowing An uncertain near-future. A story of new boundaries drawn between people daily. A not-very brave new world. Add two children. And a horse. From a Scottish word meaning a transient read more >


AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A National Indie Bestseller Short-listed for the An Post Irish Book Awards Novel of the Year Finalist for the Barnes and Noble Book of the Year One of Publishers Weekly's Best Books of the Year An exquisitely moving story about grief, love, and read more >


From one of our most accomplished storytellers, an extraordinary and arresting novel about a women’s asylum in the nineteenth century, and a terrifying doctor who wants to change the world In this harrowing story based on authentic historical documents, we follow the career of Dr. Silas Weir, read more >

Death at the Sign of the Rook

The stage is set. Marooned overnight by a snowstorm in a grand country house are a cast of characters and a setting that even Agatha Christie might recognize – a vicar, an Army major, a Dowager, a sleuth and his sidekick - except that the sleuth is Jackson Brodie, and the ‘sidekick’ is DC read more >

A Cage Went in Search of a Bird, Ten Kafkaesque Stories

A collection of brand-new short stories written by prize-winning, bestselling writers and inspired by Kafka - published to commemorate the centenary of his death *Chosen as a 2024 highlight in the Guardian, the Financial Times, the Daily Mail, New Statesman, Esquire and the New read more >

The Safe Keep

*SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2024 BOOKER PRIZE* “Remarkable…Compelling…Fine and taut…Indelible.” —The New York Times • “Moving, unnerving, and deeply sexy.” —Tracy Chevalier, author of Girl with the Pearl Earring • “A brilliant debut, as multi-faceted as a gem.” —Kirkus read more >

Poor Things

A life without freedom to choose is not worth having. Godwin Baxter's scientific ambition to create the perfect companion is realised when he finds the drowned body of the beautiful Bella, who he brings back to life in a Frankenstein-esque feat. But his dream is thwarted by Dr. Archibald read more >


Venice, 1958. Peggy Guggenheim, heiress and now legendary art collector, sits in the sun at her white marble palazzo on the Grand Canal. She’s in a reflective mood, thinking back on her thrilling, tragic, nearly impossible journey from her sheltered, old-fashioned family in New York to here: read more >

The Mighty Red

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A READ WITH JENNA BOOK CLUB PICK • A FINALIST FOR THE KIRKUS PRIZE FOR FICTION "[A] sweeping, tender-hearted epic." —Harper's Bazaar In this stunning novel, Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award–winning author Louise Erdrich tells a story of love, read more >

North Woods


The Proof of My Innocence

'A brilliant, shrewd, satirical novel – gimlet-eyed, funny, very clever and a searchingly profound look at the state of this strange country of ours' William Boyd 'My comfort read: anything by Jonathan Coe' Bob Mortimer --- Post-university life doesn’t suit Phyl. Time passes slowly read more >

The Sleepwalkers

Still reeling from the chaos of their wedding, Evelyn and Richard arrive on a tiny Greek island for their honeymoon. It’s the end of the season and a storm is imminent. Determined to make the best of it, they check into the sun-soaked doors of the Villa Rosa. Already feeling insecure after seeing read more >


LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE FINALIST FOR THE CENTER FOR FICTION FIRST NOVEL PRIZE ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S FAVORITE READS OF SUMMER 2024 Named a Best Book of 2024 So Far by The New York Times Book Review, NPR, Elle, Vulture, and The Guardian “Make room, American fiction, for a read more >

The Bookbinder of Jericho

It is 1914, and as the war draws the young men of Britain away to fight, women must keep the nation running. Two of those women are Peggy and Maude, twin sisters who live on a narrow boat in Oxford and work in the bindery at the university press. Ambitious, intelligent Peggy has been told for read more >


NATIONAL BESTSELLER “Rumaan Alam is a rarity...Entitlement — a psychological thriller that subtly turns into a vicious exposé of affluent liberalism— also sneaks up on you, and wins you over.”—The New York Times "A brilliant exploration of extreme wealth and how it bends the lives read more >

Evenings and Weekends

London, 2019. It’s the hottest June on record, and a whale is stuck in the Thames River. In the streets of the city, four old acquaintances want more from life than they’ve been given. On the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, their paths will intersect at a party that will change read more >

Gabriel's Moon

In his most exhilarating novel yet, Britain’s greatest storyteller transports you from the vibrant streets of sixties London to the sun-soaked cobbles of Cadiz and the frosty squares of Warsaw, as an accidental spy is drawn into the shadows of espionage and obsession. Gabriel Dax is a young man read more >

Close to Death

Riverside Close is a picture-perfect community. The six exclusive and attractive houses are tucked far away from the noise and grime of city life, allowing the residents to enjoy beautiful gardens, pleasant birdsong, and tranquility from behind the security of a locked gate. It is the perfect read more >

My Favourite Mistake

Anna has just lost her taste for the Big Apple… She has a life to envy. An apartment in New York. A well-meaning (too well-meaning?) partner. And a high-flying job in beauty PR. Who wouldn’t want all that? Anna, it turns out. Trading a minor midlife crisis for a major life event, she switches read more >


SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE AND THE GILLER PRIZE • A breathtaking and ineffable new novel from the author of the international best sellers Fugitive Pieces and The Winter Vault—a novel of love and loyalty across generations, at once sweeping and intimate 1917. On a battlefield near read more >

The Bookshop Woman

Nanako Hanada's life has not just flatlined, it's hit rock bottom... Recently separated from her husband, she is living between 4-hour capsule hostels, pokey internet cafes and bookshop floors. Her work is going no better - sales at the eccentric Village Vanguard bookstore in Tokyo, which Nanako read more >

The Morningside

After being expelled from their ancestral home, Silvia and her mother finally settle at the Morningside, a crumbling luxury tower in Island City where Silvia’s aunt Ena serves as the superintendent. Silvia feels unmoored in her new life because her mother has been so diligently secretive about read more >

The Midnight Feast

Midsummer, the Dorset coast In the shadows of an ancient wood, guests gather for the opening weekend of The Manor: a beautiful new countryside retreat. But under the burning midsummer sun, darkness stirs. Old friends and enemies circulate among the guests. And the candles have barely been lit read more >

The drowned

From the renowned Booker Prize winner and nationally bestselling author of Snow comes a richly atmospheric new mystery about a woman’s sudden disappearance in a small coastal town in Ireland, where nothing is as it seems. "John Banville is one of my favorite writers alive, and I pick up his read more >

In Ascension

LONGLISTED FOR THE 2023 BOOKER PRIZE A NEW YORKER BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR An astonishing novel about a young microbiologist investigating an unfathomable deep vent in the ocean floor, leading her on a journey that will encompass the full trajectory of the cosmos and the passage of a single human read more >


New York Times Bestseller Finalist for the 2024 Kirkus Prize Longlisted for the 2024 Booker Prize As Seen on CBS Saturday Morning • A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice • Named a Best Book of 2024 So Far by The New Yorker and Vogue • Selected as "Fiction to Read this read more >

It Starts With Us

Lily and Ryle have just settled into a civil co-parenting rhythm with their daughter, Emerson, when Lily suddenly runs into Atlas almost two years after they last spoked. Elated that the timing finally seem to be right to give what they have together a real chance, Atlas asks Lily on a date. But read more >

Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect

From the bestselling author of Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone, a fiendishly fun locked room (train) murder mystery that "offers a tip of the hat to the great Agatha Christie novel while at the same time being a modern reinvention of it" (Nita Prose) -- perfect for fans of Richard Osman read more >

The Voyage Home

After ten blood-filled years, the war is over. Troy lies in smoking ruins as the victorious Greeks fill their ships with the spoils of battle. Alongside the treasures looted are the many Trojan women captured by the Greeks – among them the legendary prophetess Cassandra, and her watchful maid, read more >


From Rachel Cusk, author of the Outline trilogy, comes this startling, exhilarating novel that once again expands the notion of what fiction can be and do. Midway through his life, the artist G begins to paint upside down. Eventually, he paints his wife upside down. He also makes her ugly. The read more >

Caledonian Road

Campbell Flynn - art historian and celebrity pundit - is entering the empire of middle age. Fuelled by an appetite for controversy and novelty, he doesn't take people half as seriously as they take themselves. Which will prove the first of his huge mistakes. The second? Milo Mangasha, his read more >


Paul Auster’s brilliant eighteenth novel opens with a scorched pot of water, which Sy Baumgartner -- phenomenologist, noted author, and soon-to-be retired philosophy professor – has just forgotten on the stove. Baumgartner’s life had been defined by his deep, abiding love for his wife, read more >

The Night House

From the internationally best-selling author, a chilling fresh spin on the classic horror novel • When the voices call, don't answer. “In The Night House, the horror begins immediately. And it only keeps calling from there.”—Josh Malerman, New York Times best-selling author of Bird read more >

After the Funeral

Heloise's father died in a car crash when she was a little girl; at a dinner party in her forties, she meets someone connected to that long-ago tragedy. Janey's bohemian mother plans to marry a man close to Janey's own age - everything changes when an accident interrupts the wedding party. A read more >

Wednesday's Child

Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, the Story Prize, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction, and the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award Named a Best Book of the Year by Los Angeles Times, Vulture, Esquire, NPR, and Kirkus Reviews A new collection?about loss, alienation, read more >

Annie Bot

Annie Bot was created to be the perfect girlfriend for her human owner, Doug. Designed to satisfy his emotional and physical needs, she has dinner ready for him every night, wears the cute outfits he orders for her, and adjusts her libido to suit his moods. True, she’s not the greatest at keeping read more >


NATIONAL BESTELLER • An “exquisite” (The Boston Globe) exploration of love and loss, the struggles and limitations of family life—and how we all must learn to live together and apart—from the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Hours “The only problem with Michael Cunningham’s read more >

The Silence Factory

The Sunday Times bestseller, from the author of The Binding 'Utterly original… ensnared me from the very first page' EMILIA HART 'Storytelling at its most immersive' ERIN KELLY The whole world disappears when you enter THE SILENCE FACTORY A glittering edifice, raw and shining. read more >

Palm Trees in the Snow

At once an epic family drama and a sweeping love story that spans both an ocean and a generation, Palm Trees in the Snow is an emotionally gripping and historically vivid tale of the secrets that can destroy a family - and the bonds that endure. When Clarence of Rabaltué discovers a series of read more >

Let Us Descend

Let Us Descend is a reimagining of American slavery, as beautifully rendered as it is heart-wrenching. Searching, harrowing, replete with transcendent love, the novel is a journey from the rice fields of the Carolinas to the slave markets of New Orleans and into the fearsome heart of a Louisiana read more >


In the seaside town of Kinlough, on Ireland’s west coast, three old friends are thrown together for the first time in years. They—Helen, Joe, and Mush—were part of an original group of six inseparable teenagers in the summer of 2003,withmotherless, reckless Kala Lanann as their group’s read more >


From million-copy-bestselling author John Boyne, an inescapably gritty story about one young man whose direction in life takes a vastly different turn than what he expected.It’s the tabloid sensation of the two well-known footballers standing in the dock, charged with sexual assault, a series of read more >

The Housemaid is Watching

“You must be our new neighbors!” Mrs. Lowell gushes and waves across the picket fence. I clutch my daughter’s hand and smile back: but the second Mrs. Lowell sees my husband a strange expression crosses her face. In that moment I make a promise. We finally have a family home. My past is far, read more >

Miss Austen Investigates

A witty, engaging murder mystery featuring Jane Austen as an intrepid amateur sleuth—the first in a series. Jane Austen—sparkling, spirited, and incredibly clever—is suddenly thrust into a mystery when a milliner’s dead body is found locked inside a cupboard in the middle of a ball. When read more >

The Lost Story

As boys, best friends Jeremy Cox and Rafe Howell went missing in a vast West Virginia state forest, only to mysteriously reappear six months later with no explanation for where they’d gone or how they’d survived. Fifteen years after their miraculous homecoming, Rafe is a reclusive artist who read more >

Creation Lake

Sadie Smith – a thirty-four-year-old American undercover agent of ruthless tactics and bold opinions – is sent by her mysterious but powerful employers to a remote corner of France. Her mission: to infiltrate a commune of radical eco-activists influenced by the beliefs of an enigmatic elder, read more >

The Glutton

One man with an insatiable hunger: a novel of desire and destruction in Revolutionary France, based on a true story, from the Desmond Elliott Prize-winning author of The Manningtree Witches. Sister Perpetue is not to move. She is not to fall asleep. She is to sit, keeping guard over the patient's read more >


'A hold-your-breath adventure set in an utterly plausible, sun-hammered future, Juice will stab your conscience and break your heart’ - Emma Donoghue 'A blistering cli-fi epic' - The Guardian, Best Books of the Autumn Survival is only the beginning. Two fugitives, a man and a child, read more >

There are Rivers in the Sky

This is the story of one lost poem, two great rivers, and three remarkable lives – all connected by a single drop of water. In the ruins of Nineveh, that ancient city of Mesopotamia, there lies hidden in the sand fragments of a long-forgotten poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. In Victorian London, an read more >

Wandering Souls

One night, not long after the last American troops leave Vietnam, siblings Anh, Thanh and Minh flee their village and embark on a perilous journey in hope of a new life. Separated from their parents and fearing the worst they find themselves travelling alone in the world without a home to return to. read more >

We Solve Murders

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! “Madcap fun, with an entertaining new cast of characters and Osman’s trademark wit. Delightful!” —Shari Lapena From the #1 bestselling author of The Thursday Murder Club Series A brand new mystery. An iconic new detective duo. And a thrilling read more >

Victory City

In the wake of an unimportant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for a goddess, who tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga, read more >

Young Mungo

Born under different stars, Protestant Mungo and Catholic James live in a hyper-masculine world. They are caught between two of Glasgow’s housing estates where young working-class men divide themselves along sectarian lines, and fight territorial battles for the sake of reputation. They should be read more >


Gourmet cook Manako Kajii sits in Tokyo Detention Centre convicted of the serial murders of lonely businessmen, who she is said to have seduced with her delicious home cooking. The case has captured the nation’s imagination but Kajii refuses to speak with the press, entertaining no visitors. That read more >

The Glassmaker

Venice, 1486. Across the lagoon lies Murano. Time flows differently here – like the glass the island’s maestros spend their lives learning to handle. Women are not meant to work with glass, but Orsola Rosso flouts convention to save her family from ruin. She works in secret, knowing her read more >


On the face of it, Freya lives a gilded existence, dancing solely to her own tune. She has all the trappings of wealth and privilege, a responsible job as a surgeon specialising in skin grafts, a beautiful flat in a sought-after development, and a flash car. But it wasn’t always like this. Hers is read more >

Until August

The extraordinary rediscovered novel from the Nobel Prize–winning author of Love in the Time of Cholera and One Hundred Years of Solitude Sitting alone beside the languorous blue waters of the lagoon, Ana Magdalena Bach contemplates the men at the hotel bar. She has been happily married for read more >

The Life Impossible

When retired math teacher Grace Winters is left a run-down house on a Mediterranean island by a long-lost friend, curiosity gets the better of her. She arrives in Ibiza with a one-way ticket, no guidebook and no plan. Among the rugged hills and golden beaches of the island, Grace searches for read more >

Pineapple Street

Darley, the eldest daughter in the well-connected old money Stockton family, followed her heart, trading her job and her inheritance for motherhood but giving up far too much in the process; Sasha, a middle-class New England girl, has married into the Brooklyn Heights family, and finds herself cast read more >

Western Lane

A taut, enthralling first novel about grief, sisterhood, and a young athlete's struggle to transcend herself. Eleven-year-old Gopi has been playing squash since she was old enough to hold a racket. When her mother dies, her father enlists her in a quietly brutal training regimen, and the game read more >

American Mother

The English language has no specific word for the parent that has lost a child. There exist words for orphan, widow and widower, but there is no word that captures and conveys this tragic type of loss. It has been eleven years since Diane Foley's son, the American journalist James Foley, was read more >

Close to Home

WINNER OF THE ROONEY PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2023 WINNER OF THE NERO BOOK AWARD FOR DEBUT FICTION 2023 WATERSTONES IRISH BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 Sean is back. Back in Belfast and back into old habits. Back on the mad all-nighters, the borrowed tenners and missing rent, the casual jobs that always read more >

The Mystery Guest

Molly Gray is not like anyone else. With her flair for cleaning and proper etiquette, she has risen through the ranks of the glorious five-star Regency Grand Hotel to become the esteemed Head Maid. But just as her life reaches a pinnacle state of perfection, her world is turned upside down when J.D. read more >

Tell Me Everything

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK • From Pulitzer Prize–winning author Elizabeth Strout comes a “stunner” (People) of a novel about new friendships, old loves, and the very human desire to leave a mark on the world. “Tell Me Everything hits like a bucolic read more >

Dogs and Monsters

Mark Haddon

Our Evenings

Alan Hollinghurst



All that She Carried


The Empusium

Olga Tokarczuk


Sarah Perry


Ali Smith


Sally Rooney


Joyce Carol Oates

Death at the Sign of the Rook

Kate Atkinson

A Cage Went in Search of a Bird, Ten Kafkaesque Stories

Various Various

The Safe Keep

Yael Van Der Wouden

Poor Things

Alasdair Gray



The Mighty Red

Louise Erdrich

North Woods

Daniel Mason

The Proof of My Innocence

Jonathan Coe

The Sleepwalkers

Scarlett THOMAS


Rita Bullwinkel

The Bookbinder of Jericho



Rumaan Alam

Evenings and Weekends


Gabriel's Moon

William Boyd

Close to Death

Anthony Horowitz

My Favourite Mistake

Marian Keyes


Anne Michaels

The Bookshop Woman


The Morningside

Téa Obreht

The Midnight Feast

Lucy Foley

The drowned

John Banville

In Ascension

Martin MacInnes


Richard Powers

It Starts With Us

Colleen HOOVER

Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect


The Voyage Home

Pat Barker


Rachel Cusk

Caledonian Road

Andrew O'Hagan


Paul Auster

The Night House

Jo Nesbo

After the Funeral

Tessa Hadley

Wednesday's Child

Yiun Li

Annie Bot

Sierra GREER


Michael Cunningham

The Silence Factory

Bridget Collins

Palm Trees in the Snow


Let Us Descend

Jesmyn Ward




John Boyne

The Housemaid is Watching


Miss Austen Investigates

Jessica Bull

The Lost Story


Creation Lake


The Glutton



Tim Winton

There are Rivers in the Sky

Elif Shafak

Wandering Souls

Cecile Pin

We Solve Murders

Richard Osman

Victory City

Salman Rushdie

Young Mungo



The Glassmaker

Tracy Chevalier


John Boyne

Until August

Gabriel Garcia Márquez

The Life Impossible

Matt Haig

Pineapple Street


Western Lane

Chetna MAROO

American Mother

Colum McCann

Close to Home

Michael Magee

The Mystery Guest

Nita Prose

Tell Me Everything

Elizabeth Strout