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Fiction All latest purchases

Billy Bathgate

E.L. Doctorow

The Waterworks

E.L. Doctorow

Boy in the Water

Stephen Dobyns

Happily Ever After

Jenny Diski

The Vanishing Princess

Jenny Diski

Monkey's Uncle

Jenny Diski

On Trying to Keep Still

Jenny Diski

The Dream Mistress

Jenny Diski

Seven Gothic Tales

Isak Dinesen

Yellow Room Conspiracy

Peter Dickinson

Flowers on the Grass

Monica Dickens

The Winds of Heaven

Monica Dickens

The Heart of London

Monica Dickens

The Angel in the Corner

Monica Dickens

And then you die

Michael Dibdin


Pete Dexter

The Sisters Brothers

Patrick DeWitt

Two Kinds of Wonderful

Isla Dewar

It Could Happen to You

Isla Dewar

Keeping Up with Magda

Isla Dewar

Women Talking Dirty

Isla Dewar

The Sea of Innocence

Kishwar Desai

Origins of Love

Kishwar Desai

Fasting, Feasting

Anita Desai

Fasting, Feasting

Anita Desai

Fire on the Mountain

Anita Desai

Clear Light of Day

Anita Desai

Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman

Friedrich Christian Delius


Don DeLillo

Falling Man

Don DeLillo
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